The Indian Tourist supports and promotes adventure and travel. We do work hard to ensure safety and security of all our guests. However, by registering yourself for our trip, you agree that you are an adult and are independent to take decisions of your life. You also agree to consider the nature and extent of risk involved in the adventure activities including bodily injuries and death. You will be the sole responsible for assuming all the risks involved whether known or unknown. Even if the risk is caused due to the negligence of others, you will be solely responsible for it and The Indian Tourist is not responsible for any loss caused in any unforeseen circumstances.

The Tourist are compelled to have a decent behavior towards the fellow travellers. Any misbehavior, illegal and unethical activities shall not be tolerated at any cost. The Indian Tourist holds the right to violate the trip of the accused (if found guilty) at any point of time without having to give any refund or other facilities.