India is a very big country and also so many people with so many different festivals but without a doubt Holi is considered one of the top festivals in India because almost every part of India celebrated Holi in its own style . Holi is a festival of colours and love . People put collars over each other and exchange gifts and small people takes blessings of elder people.
when it comes to where we should be, to see and experience the best of the holi the place which comes in our mind is Barsana , Yes Barsana is a place where you should go if you want to celebrate this festival the fullest . The reason why Barsana is considered the best place to enjoy holi is that Barsana was the village of Radha ji , Lord Krishna comes to this village to put colour on Radha ji every year from his Village called Nandgaon thats why this place is so famous,Important and authentic.

Radha ji and her friends pushed away Lord Krishna and his friends by sticks and still this thing is happening in Barsana which makes it even more attractive to enjoy holi . This Year I got to be lucky to visit the Barsana Holi . I went to this place one night before the Big and Famous Lathmar Holi .
I took a bus from Gurugram to Kosi then From Kosi to Barsana you can go via a three wheeler . I reached Barsana village around 7 PM ,Once I reached Barsana I saw thousands of people everywhere , Because this place is so sacred and famous, devotees from all over the world assembles here . Many people were distributing free food at many places , all the roads of nandgaon was full of People.

I had to stay there at night so I fins a good Dharamshala for me in just 500 Rupees a night which includes a good dinner, Next day Breakfast and Lunch for coming day . They had a big hall in which many people were already there . They gave me a matters and a blanket .
Toilets were shared and decent .
After putting my bag at the place I went outside to explore the Barsana . I saw many people everywhere and people were singing devotional songs , Eating food and enjoying , All night the place was like that full of people and positive vibes and lot of energy , So many foreigners were also came to experience this . After some time I went back to My Dharamshala and sleep because the next day was gonna be a big day and i want me to get up fresh so that I can enjoy the fullest .
Next morning I get up around 7 am and went outside the Dharamshala , Breakfast time was at 8 so I had my morning tea at some dhaba , So many people were also gathered there having breakfast and morning tea . after some time I went to Dharamshala and had breakfast and I left from Dharamshala around 8.30 . I was wondering where should i go and where should I be at what time . But you won’t believe that there was so much crowd going i one direction after see this I didn’t even required the need to ask from anyone . Because everyone is going in same direction so i get to now that i should join them.

I purchased a Authentic cap and put over my head and I join the crowd of thousands of People . There were people enjoying in their own ways , fews were taking selfies, Many were dancing, putting colour over each other . Many people having some instruments which they were playing . Actually everyone was going to visit the Radha Rani Temple which is the only Temple in India dedicated to Radhaji . there was so much energy in people and in the air everyone was enjoying all the atmosphere was so diving and energetic . I didn’t not see this kind of atmosphere in my entire life. Everyone was chanting “ Radhe Radhe “ “ Radha Rani Ki Jai” . and most famous song of holi was being played by many “ Aaj Brij me holi re rasia” . Slowly slowly the crowd was moving towards the Radha Rani temple , In the Mid there were very small roads in the village The Government arranged the Security very good , So many police officers(male and female ) were there to protect us in case of any miss happening . Local people are putting gulal and water over the crowd and we were also enjoying this . Everywhere big speakers , Loud sound, Colourful people, Gulal were everywhere in air . So many food options were also there everywhere , Water , samosa, Sugarcane juice, Kachodi, Samosa , Chole Bhatoore , along with many other indian street food were also there.

After some time we reached the Radha Rani Temple and I was privileged to see this sacred temple in real . That was very divine temple , People felt more energetic once entering the temple . Every one was chanting “ Radhe Radhe “ very loudly with full of devotion and everyone is dancing with full of joy . Just outside the temple there was a place where you can keep your shoes for free . after you come back you can take your shoes from there . After visiting Radha Rani Temple and enjoying a lot I went back at my Dharamshala for Lunch and have some rest because today I have one more big event for which I came here to see Lathmar Holi. I reached my Dharamshala around 2pm . I had lunch and have some rest . I left my place around 3.30 As someone told me that The lather how will start around 4 to 5 pm.

Again when I get on the road around 3.30 PM so much crowd were also there to guide me . I join the crowd again and ask some local people that whats the time and whats the best place to experience the lather holi . I went there and find a good place to see the holi and take pictures for my friends and readers . There is more today , God want to have some fun with us , So when the time of Lathmar Holi came Rain start coming heavy Rain out of nowhere . After Rain starts everything stops. All the Gopis and Gwala concept pause . People ran here and there to find shelter and for some time I also thought that today there will be no Lathmar holi at all . But in only 30 minutes All rain stopped and again everything starts with even more energy . IN some time around 4.45 Pm . Many Gopis came having big sticks in their hands starts beating the gwalas from Nandgaon . It was so beautiful event to see. Actually is was not actually beating to the guys . Its just a old ritual everyone takes care of everyone so that no-one get hurt . All the Gwalas having a protection of shield and the gopis were only hitting the Shields not the body part . These Gopis and Gwalas were wearing their authentic Clothes . All Gopis were wearing red color Authentic Indian Saree and Gwalas were also wearing authentic dress . I can’t tell you the feeling of energy and enthusiam which i felt there at that time. Everyone was enjoying this beautiful ritual . After some time They stop beating and went back to their Village and slowly slowly the day ends with a lot of happy beautiful and unforgettable memories and experience.

Holi festival is a festival of love and colours , People put colours on unknown people and everyone embrace this as well . In my opinion you should also be here in your life atlas once . Every year this festival will be celebrated here at fix date and fix time.
As The Indian Tourist I was thinking to cover this Festival since few years . My strong recommendations to everyone to see and experience this festival.