Ten entire days. Ten full days of complete and silence far away from your regular life. Do you think it is worth achieving inner peace? I thought so. However, no talking at all is just one code of discipline for Vipassana – a form of meditation that’s been practiced in India for thousands of years. After overcoming all the second thoughts in order to learn Vipassana, I finally took a 10-day meditation course in Dharamkot, India. You want to know if I was scared? Yes, initially I was but I did not let my fear stop me… Getting Myself into the mess I first heard about Vipassana through a friend whom I trust much and taken the ten-day course in Vipassana meditation. He bragged about the results stating, “Vipassana turned him to a changed man!” Getting to hear so many good things about Vipassana; now I was very curious. After answering a handful of basic questions on the Vipassana website, I successfully enrolled myself for the course. I found it quite easy, only if I knew that was just the beginning…! After reaching the Vipassana Meditation Centre the rustic accommodations made me rethink about my decision. However, I was glad that I at least had walls. Walking down to the meditation centre on that cold rainy day, I again began to have doubts in my mind. I was now in a deep dilemma about how am I going to live here for 10-day only eating two meals a day? How am I going to meditate for 12-14 hours per day when I haven’t sat cross-legged since I was just 7 or 8? How can I live another 10 days without even speaking a single word? The strongest thought that I had in my mind then was to turn around and grab a hot cup
Ten entire days. Ten full days of complete and silence far away from your regular life. Do you think it is worth achieving inner peace? I thought so. However, no talking at all is just one code of discipline for Vipassana – a form of meditation that’s been practiced in India for thousands of years. After overcoming all the second thoughts in order to learn Vipassana, I finally took a 10-day meditation course in Dharamkot, India. You want to know if I was scared?